Executive Advisory Board

Dr. Pal Zoltan Lukacs
Graduated as a licensed automotive engineer in 1994 and obtained his PhD from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, BME). Research area is the recycling of end-of-life vehicles. Associate professor at BME, Neumann János University, and the University of Miskolc. Currently a senior research fellow and Director of Circular Economy Sustainability Competence Center at the University of Pannonia, Technical Director of the Center for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation (Felsőoktatási és Ipari Együttműködési Központ, FIEK) project. Areas of expertise include sustainability, alternative energy production, recycling of municipal and composite engineering products, and the theory and practice of designs for recycling.
Worked for TÜV-Hannover KTI Ltd, Knorr-Bremse KFI and Ramsys Plc. Director of Development and Communication at Alcufer Ltd. and Managing Director of CAR-REC Motor Vehicle Wreck Handler, nonprofit Ltd. between 2007 and 2017. Actively involved in the design and implementation of the shredder plant in Fehérvárcsurgó and the subsequent execution of innovative developments at Alcufer-Csoport (Alcufer Group).
Served as Ministerial Adviser on waste matters, at the request of Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Minister at Ministry of Innovation and Technology (Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, ITM) between 2018-2022. Chairman of National Waste Management Coordination and Asset Management Ltd. from 2022.
Managing Director of Hungarian Association of the Automotive Industry (Magyar Gépjárműipari Egyesület, MAGE) between 2003-2005. Member of the editorial board of the journals Automotive Engineering and Polymers.