EPA - Plastics: Material-Specific Data
Source (2018): United States Environmental Protection Agency, American Chemistry Council
Plastics are a rapidly growing segment of municipal solid waste (MSW). While plastics are found in all major MSW categories, the containers and packaging category had the most plastic tonnage at over 14.5 million tons in 2018. This category includes bags, sacks and wraps; other packaging; polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and jars; high-density polyethylene (HDPE) natural bottles; and other containers. Manufacturers also use plastic in durable goods, such as appliances, furniture, casings of lead-acid batteries and other products. EPA does not include plastics in transportation products, other than lead-acid batteries, in this analysis.
EPA measures the generation, recycling, composting, combustion with energy recovery and landfilling of plastic materials in municipal solid waste. The primary data source on the generation of plastics is the American Chemistry Council. In 2018, plastics generation was 35.7 million tons in the United States, which was 12.2 percent of MSW generation.
EPA used data from the American Chemistry Council and the National Association for PET Container Resources to measure the recycling of plastic. While overall the amount of recycled plastics is relatively small - three million tons for a 8.7 percent recycling rate in 2018-the recycling of some specific types of plastic containers is more significant. The recycling rate of PET bottles and jars was 29.1 percent in 2018, and the rate for HDPE natural bottles was 29.3 percent in 2018.
The total amount of plastics combusted in MSW in 2018 was 5.6 million tons. This was 16.3 percent of all MSW combusted with energy recovery that year. In 2018, landfills received 27 million tons of plastic. This was 18.5 percent of all MSW landfilled.

National Overview: Facts and Figures
The EPA began collecting and reporting data on the generation and disposition of waste in the United States more than 35 years ago. The Agency uses this information to measure the success of materials management programs across the country and to characterize the national waste stream. These Facts and Figures are current through calendar year 2018. The total generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2018 was 292.4 million tons or 4.9 pounds per person per day. Of the MSW generated, approximately 69 million tons were recycled and 25 million tons were composted.
Management of MSW continues to be a high priority for state and local governments. This includes the source reduction of wastes before they enter the waste stream and the recovery of generated waste for recycling, composting or other methods. It also includes environmentally sound waste management through combustion with energy recovery and conversion, as well as landfilling practices that meet current standards or newly emerging waste conversion technologies.
The total generation of MSW was 292.4 million tons in 2018, 268.7 million tons in 2017 and 208.3 million tons in 1990. In 2018, plastic products generation was 35.7 million tons, or 12.2 percent of generation. This was an increase of 4.3 million tons from 2010 to 2018, and it came from durable goods and the containers and packaging categories. Plastics generation has grown from 8.2 percent of generation in 1990 to 12.2 percent in 2018.