Human Urine Waste Disposal

Human Urine Waste Disposal
Waterbender – Space Technology (the enhanced version of the original Arbok) has demonstrated exceptional efficiency in the disposal of "human waste" aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This technology enables the conversion of human urine into potable water with minimal energy expenditure, extracting 100% of the water from urine while separating it from the salts and other substances dissolved within it.

Waterbender – Space Technology presents numerous advantages over existing technologies. It features a compact design, extremely low power consumption, and simplicity in both equipment and maintenance. Additionally, it is more cost-effective, requires no additives or consumables, boasts high reliability, and lacks complex or expensive components.
Important features of the technology include the following:
- Lightweight and compact design with outstanding reliability
- Minimal power consumption, with the capability to be powered by alternative energy sources
- No requirement for maintenance or frequent repairs
- Efficient for ensuring access to clean water in challenging environments
- Low equipment costs
The development of Waterbender-Space technology is currently in the research and development phase. The desalination of seawater utilizing the same technology has already been successfully implemented in practice, and the Waterbender project effectiveness is indisputable.
Benefits of the Technology
An innovative unit designed for the complete recycling of liquid waste is ten times less expensive than all existing alternatives.
- The water produced after purification, regardless of contaminants or materials, meets high standards of quality for drinking water.
- The unit is lightweight, which is crucial for launching payloads into space.
- Its compact dimensions will maximize usable space within the confined environment of space stations.
- The unit is composed of straightforward components, significantly enhancing its reliability and lifespan.
- The proposed unit operates without consumables, membranes, filters, or chemicals, eliminating the need for maintenance.
- The installation can function continuously without the necessity for periodic shutdowns.
- The unit consumes minimal energy, helping preserve energy resources for other systems on the space station.
This innovative device for the complete recycling of human waste at space stations has been developed based on advanced water purification and drying technology. This proposed system is applicable not only at ISS but also on other celestial bodies, including on the Moon. Several nations are already exploring the potential for development and utilization of remote planets. The device will enable nearly 100% of the water from liquid waste to be recycled back into the space station life support system, leaving only dry residues for disposal.
If you are interested in the technology or have any questions, please contact us!